MISSION Database

Myocardial Infarction & Stroke Screening and Interventions of Nations

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In the recent article on Nature Reviews[2] of Prof. Vincent Mok (Principal Investigator), he pointed out that small vessel diseases can play a critical role in delayed-onset poststroke dementia. Therefore, people who have survived stroke are at risk of developing dementia beyond the early poststroke period. Other studies suggest that midlife hypertension leads to increased cognitive decline, and could thus contribute to the development of vascular dementia, and even Alzheimer’s disease, in late life[3-4]. A longitudinal study over a 32-year period demonstrates that those who developed dementia, particularly vascular dementia, had a greater increase in systolic blood pressure (BP) from midlife to late life, followed by a greater decrease over the late life, and such association was significantly reduced in those taking anti-hypertensive medications [5].

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We employ a 16 channel data collection modal to gather data simultaneously and continously for the analysis and mapping of PPG, pulse transit time and BP

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This is an experiment containing the matlab files for a number of patients in the 5 minute vital trial.

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We are exploring continuous blood pressure estimation methods by monitoring multi-modality vitals, and further explore effective approaches to realize the early warning and prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

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This is a questionnaire developed by the Hong Kong Centre for Cerebro-cardiovascular Health Engineering (HKCOCHE) to evaluate the risk of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD), Diabetes, and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA). This 21-item questionnaire is derived from the Framingham Risk Score, the CANRISK Tool, and the STOP-Bang Questionnaire, which are well validated questionnaires and tools used globally. The following results are recorded: 1. Heart Age 2. 10-Year Risk of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) 3. 10-Year Risk of Type 2 Diabetes 4. Risk of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) Please note: This questionnaire gives an informal estimation of the above results

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This study includes monitoring of non-invasive continuous BP. ECG, PPG and pressure pulse wave signals. These signals will be acquired with one or more of the following sensors positioned on the patients. Non-invasive continuous measurement, ECG electrodes on the left and right lower arm, BP on the left and right finger, PPG on the left index fingertips, continuous BP waveform on the left hand side and continuous pressure pulse wave signal on the left and right arm wrist